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You can customize certain aspects of the user interface by selecting User interface from the Preferences menu.

Client list

Select the number of recently accessed client files that should appear on the File menu, from zero to 16.

Make all columns sortable - Turns on sorting for all columns in the client list. Note: The following columns, which are "indexed" columns, are always sortable: Client #, Name, SIN, and Birth date. All other columns are "non-indexed", and could take longer to sort than "indexed" columns.

Make families more visible - Makes the horizontal lines between families in the client list solid and darker. It also shows family heads in a different colour.

Remember the filter selection after restarting - If selected, DT Max will automatically apply the same filter after you restart the program, change languages, or change tax years. If not selected, performing any of these actions will turn off filtering in the client list.

Data editor

Select the colour scheme you wish to use.

Keyword display

Tick the box Always show keywords in UPPERCASE to change the default (mixed case).

GIFI totals (T2)

To disable this feature, untick the box Show automatically calculated GIFI totals in the editor.

SmartStart defaults

Click Reset SmartStart default sections to restore the SmartStart sections to their original status.

Method to select pages

Typically, the program defaults to the method Always show index at side. If you wish to change the method, the following alternatives are available in the Tax return frame:

  • Always show index at side
  • Show index at side - auto-hide after selecting the page (recommended with a 600X800 screen resolution)
  • Use pop-up mode to select page pages - do not show index at side

Use of colours

By default, DT Max uses background colours to differentiate between report types, that is between federal and Quebec returns, diagnostics, client letters, etc. However, you can also use background colours to differentiate between family members, that is between family heads, spouses and dependants, or between plans or tax years.

If you wish to change the default, simply tick the appropriate box.

Similarly, if you do not want the tax return displayed with coloured text, select the radio button never - always use white background.

Location of knowledge base files

If you do not want the knowledge base path to be a subdirectory of the program path, which is where DT Max will place it by default, enter your designated path in the box.

This is preferable if you want all members of a tax group or all users on a network to access the knowledge base from a central location. This will slightly reduce access speed but save significant disk space.

Once this preference is entered, DT Max will remember it (a mark will be set in your registry) and subsequent updates will be installed in that same location.

January 21, 2016